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Difference between SOQL & SOSL

Salesforce object query language
Salesforce object search language
It is used to retrieve records from salesforce org’s object.
SOSL do text-based searching in salesforce orgs.
In SOQL object is necessary.
In SOSL object is not necessary.
Select statement is used.
Find keyword is used.
Id is by default returned by SOQL statement.
SOSL returns by default id’s of matched records.
SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name = 'Acme'
FIND {Joe Smith} IN Name Fields RETURNING lead (name, phone)
We can retrieve data from single object or from multiple objects that are related to each other.
We can retrieve multiple objects and field values efficiently when the objects may or may not be related to each other.
We can Query on only one object.
We can query on multiple objects.

Governer Limit: 
  1. Total number of SOQL queries issued 100 (Synchronously)
  2. Total number of SOQL queries issued for Batch Apex and future methods 200 (Asynchronously)
  3. Total number of records retrieved by SOQL queries 50,000
  4. Total number of records retrieved by Database.getQueryLocator 10,000
  5. Total number of SOSL queries issued 20
  6. Total number of records retrieved by a single SOSL query 200


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